Monday, September 24, 2007

What to expect in the photojournalism style

It may be blatantly obvious, yet necessary to emphasize. No two weddings are ever alike. And, just like lighting that never strikes twice, interesting and unforeseen things are bound to happen.

And, just like the old cliche, you’ll laugh about it all....someday.

And, when that someday finally arrives, you’ll have the entire day documented by a professional photojournalist.

Photojournalism flies in the face of ‘traditional’ photography. There are very few posed shots...very few shots where people even see the photographer. You get the real, organic, honest recollection of the day just as it happened.

With photojournalism you can expect uniquely framed images, images which may not be centered or even in focus. You may have deliberately over or underexposed images to capture an emotion.

The bottom line is this - with Photojournalism you will get a story. With traditional photography, you get a guest book.

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